Experimental Learning in Production Management edito da Springer US
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Experimental Learning in Production Management

Ifip Tc5 / Wg5.7 Third Workshop On Games In Production Management: The Effects Of Games On Developing Production Management 27-29 June 1997, Espoo, Fi


Springer US





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Descrizione Experimental Learning in Production Management

This book is based on the presentations at the Third Workshop on Games in Production Management, The Effects of Games on Developing Production Management, held in Espoo, Finland, June 27-29, 1997. The workshop was organized by the Special Interest Group on Games of IFIP Working Group 5.7, which is coordinated by Professor Jens Riis. The Special Interest Group aims to enhance learning in production management in academia and in industry, through the development, application and research of simulation games. Currently, the Special Interest Group is developing a catalogue of games in production management, which will be available on the Internet. The two previous workshops of the Special Interest Group were held in Aalborg and in Sf/lnderborg, and a workshop and exhibition of simulation games was arranged in connection with the APMS '96 Conference in Kyoto in November 1996. In these workshops, various simulation games have been presented, experimented, and discussed, and experiences exchanged. As a result, a network of researchers and teachers interested in games has been created. The third workshop with participants from ten countries further expanded and strengthened the network, and created ideas for potential joint research projects in simulation for learning in production management. The workshop was sponsored by the IFIP Working Group 5.7 on Computer Aided Production Management Systems, Helsinki University of Technology, the Finnish Graduate School of Industrial Management, and the City of Espoo, which we gratefully acknowledge.

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