Everything I Need to Know, I Learned in Go-Go: How a Preacher's Daughter Pole-Danced Her Way to Finding Her True Self di Sydnee A edito da LIGHTNING SOURCE INC
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Everything I Need to Know, I Learned in Go-Go: How a Preacher's Daughter Pole-Danced Her Way to Finding Her True Self

How a Preacher's Daughter Pole-Danced Her Way to Finding Her True Self



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Descrizione Everything I Need to Know, I Learned in Go-Go: How a Preacher's Daughter Pole-Danced Her Way to Finding Her True Self

You never know where you may learn the biggest lessons in your life-it may be in school, in church, or it may even be dancing on stage half-naked in a room full of strangers while clinging to a brass pole for dear life! Such was the case for this author. In Everything I Need to Know I Learned In Go-Go, Sydnee offers practical skills to become more confident, compassionate and happy. Enjoy, and learn from, her stories from many years of working in Gentlemen's Clubs. This is personal development with a spin! Sydnee shares her lessons learned from her mortifying first audition to her rise as manager in a cut-throat world. No matter what your profession, here are tips for anyone wanting to reach their goals. No pasties or thongs required!

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