The Everything Krav Maga for Fitness Book di Jeff Levine, Tina Angelotti edito da Adams Media
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The Everything Krav Maga for Fitness Book

Get Fit Fast with This High-Intensity Martial Arts Workout!


Adams Media





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Descrizione The Everything Krav Maga for Fitness Book

What can an ancient Israeli self-defense system can do for your body? Just ask J-Lo, who thanks Krav Maga for her celebrated derriere. But you don't have to be a movie star to have bootylicious behind-all you need is this book! The Everything fitness dream team has developed workouts that will transform your body into a lean, mean fighting machine-Krav Maga style! With more than 100 instructional photographs, this step-by-step guide shows you how to: Jab your way to a strong core; Power up your calves and quads; Amp your abs with power training; Maximize muscles with weight training; Start-and stick!-to a training regimen. Master these original, kick-ass work outs, and you'll have the body-and the defense moves-you've always wanted! With The Everything Krav Maga for Fitness Book, sweating has never been so much fun!

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