Everyday Use di Donna Reed edito da Iuniverse
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Everyday Use

A Collection Of Poetry And Prose. Volume I







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Descrizione Everyday Use

We go through this life experiencing different things, feeling different ways, and interpreting those experiences. Everything that has happen to us since birth has made us who we are today. Embracing a wide variety of subjects, Everyday Use thrives to show you human behavior and the social environment in narrative verse. The author, Donna Reed, describes the challenges we face in our daily walk, our strengths and weaknesses as human beings, the importance of family and friends, and how sexuality, ideology, and faith are a part of our lives. She encourages us to embrace change because life is essentially a learning experience. By doing so, we are afforded a different perspective, thus allowing us to think more clearly about difficult or perplexing events and emotions. This collection spans over many years and it narrates incidents, experiences, people, and things that have touched the author's heart. In each verse, you will find the voice of a soul that feels the effects of every moment in this life and the voice of a mind that needs to make sense of this world. Everyday Use is thought-provoking, innocent, and vibrant and will inspire readers of all ages.

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