EU-AU Strategic Partnership on Security di Abdurrahim Siradag edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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EU-AU Strategic Partnership on Security





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Descrizione EU-AU Strategic Partnership on Security

Since the first EU-Africa Summit in Cairo, 2000, strategic partnership between the EU and the AU in the fields of peace and security has increased. The second EU-Africa Summit was held in Lisbon in December 2007. Both the EU and the AU highlighted the importance of keeping peace and security, and decided to enhance relationships in a wide range of activities in particular, in the area of conflict prevention and resolution. This book explores strategic partnership between the two important global actors in the areas of peace and security and discusses the questions of why the EU strengthened its strategic partnership with the AU after 2000 and why the EU shifted its foreign and security policy towards Africa. Moreover, this study deals with internal and external dynamics undermining security cooperation between the two actors and seeks an answer how international actors can play a more constructive role in sustaining peace, security, and stability on the continent of Africa.

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