Ethics, Morality and Business: The Development of Modern Economic Systems, Volume II di Victoria Miroshnik, Dipak Basu edito da Springer International Publishing
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Ethics, Morality and Business: The Development of Modern Economic Systems, Volume II

Modern Civilizations





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Descrizione Ethics, Morality and Business: The Development of Modern Economic Systems, Volume II

This book, the second of two volumes, is inspired by the famous philosopher of India, Kautilya, author of the first book on economics in the world, Arthashashtra. It analyzes the influence of ethical values from ancient societies on modern systems of management and economics. While this book deals with the ¿global sages¿ like Aristotle, Buddha, Jesus, the scope is also expanded to incorporate other notable modern thinkers like Karl Marx, Adam Smith, and Rabindranath Tagore. This book aims to highlight the interrelationships between ethics and management, both from a micro and macroeconomics, as well as organizational and national, perspective. It will be useful for those interested in history, economics, development studies, international relations, and global politics.

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