Ethics In Intensive Care Medicine edito da Springer International Publishing AG
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Ethics In Intensive Care Medicine





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In this book, part of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM) textbook series, experts in the field of clinical ethics describe basic principles of clinical ethics and ethical reasoning, the fundamental pillars of intensive care medicine as well as the decision-making processes necessary to arrive at appropriate decisions for each individual patient. Specifically, the complex decision-making process, with regard to limiting life-sustaining therapies and integrating palliative care into intensive care, are expounded. Furthermore, the still controversial topics of ethical climate, proportionate care, and prioritization are elaborated upon. The so-called ¿soft skills¿ of inter-professional communication and co-operation are given the attention they deserve in order to overcome the gap between technological progress and interpersonal standstill. Finally, widely accepted ethical values and principles were challenged by the Covid-19 pandemic, forcing clinicians to elaborate recommendations regarding the prioritization of scarce resources. The book will be an invaluable tool for clinicians to understand ethical principles and reasoning to contend ethical challenges in intensive care medicine across the boundaries of disciplines and professions, in order to provide an appropriate individual plan of treatment for their patients.

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