Ethical Problems in Dialysis and Transplantation edito da Springer Netherlands
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Ethical Problems in Dialysis and Transplantation





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Descrizione Ethical Problems in Dialysis and Transplantation

Ethical Problems in Dialysis and Transplantation presents an overview of issues with which nephrologists and decision makers are confronted in their daily practice. The search for a universal system of ethics and theories of justice are addressed. Furthermore the work provides a normative ethical discussion of ways of distributing resources with a view to selection and commercialization. Others chapters discuss a philosophical and religious analysis of stopping treatment and the clinical and ethical aspects of stopping treatment in dialysis. Different views from different countries on the subject of dialysis and transplantation are covered including the views expressed by contributors from India, Africa, Japan, Great Britain and China. The work presents the clinician with a guide to the ethical considerations underlying the treatment of dialysis and renal transplantation patients.

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