Eternity's Gyre di Erik Lange edito da LIGHTNING SOURCE INC
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Eternity's Gyre



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Descrizione Eternity's Gyre

Book two in the Karl Lark Chronicles series. Contemporary urban fantasy horror fiction set in 2015. Escapist thrill ride, sci-fi thriller, and mystery mashup. If Sherlock Holmes, Indiana Jones, and 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea made a baby... Months have passed since Thomas Davies' world was turned upside down with his involuntary conscription into the services of the ruthless and enigmatic Karl Lark. While the full capabilities and resources of Mr. Lark's shadowy organization continue to both amaze and mystify Davies, one fact remains abundantly clear: trouble - in copious amounts - seems to follow Lark like a shadow. This time, they do not have to wait long... When a secretive corporation in South America engages Mr. Lark to track down children who mysteriously vanished from its Bright Child Genetic Initiative, Davies is once again thrust into a world of international intrigue, extra-legal maneuverings, metaphysical technologies, and supernatural horrors. At the epicenter of the puzzle sits a 750-year-old structure in the heart of the Czech Republic - a castle bathed in superstition and urban legend - whose peculiar architecture has defied explanation since its completion in the 13th century: Medieval fortresses were typically constructed to keep things out. This one was clearly designed to keep something in...

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