The Estate Planning Companion - A Practical Guide To Your Estate Plan di Mark Coulter edito da Borders Personal Publishing
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The Estate Planning Companion - A Practical Guide To Your Estate Plan





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Descrizione The Estate Planning Companion - A Practical Guide To Your Estate Plan

Taking the complexity of the law of Estate Planning and making it understandable to the rest of us, in The Estate Planning Companion, attorney Mark T. Coulter shows you a method to approach estate planning in order to manage your assets in life and thereafter, while bringing peace of mind to you and your family. Intended to bridge the communication gap between lawyers and their clients, The Estate Planning Companion explains in straightforward language a full range of topics every responsible adult should consider about their life, assets and affairs. Includes Living Trusts, Powers of Attorney, Letters of Instruction, Wills, Trusts, Life Insurance, Living Wills, Long Term Care Insurance, Medicaid nursing home planning, Probate and Asset Inventories for you and your family. Learn why you can't rely on fill-in-the blank forms or internet-only lawyers. Whether you are just starting out, mid-career, or in retirement now, this information will help you make the best planning decisions.

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