Essentials of Fuzzy Soft Multisets: Theory and Applications di Anjan Mukherjee, Ajoy Kanti Das edito da SPRINGER NATURE
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Essentials of Fuzzy Soft Multisets: Theory and Applications

Theory and Applications





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This book discusses major theories and applications of fuzzy soft multisets and their generalization which help researchers get all the related information at one place. The primary objective of this book is to help bridge the gap to provide a textbook on the theories in fuzzy soft multisets and their applications in real life. It is targeted to researchers and students working in the field of fuzzy set theory, multiset theory, soft set theory and their applications. Uncertainty, vagueness and the representation of imperfect knowledge have been a problem in many fields of research, including artificial intelligence, network and communication, signal processing, machine learning, computer science, information technology, as well as medical science, economics, environments and engineering. There are many mathematical tools for dealing with uncertainties. They include fuzzy set theory, multiset theory, soft set theory and soft multiset theory.

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