Essential Guide to Treat Diabetes and to Lower Cholesterol di Howard T Joe edito da Yorkshire Publishing
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Essential Guide to Treat Diabetes and to Lower Cholesterol

(Chinese and English Text)





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Descrizione Essential Guide to Treat Diabetes and to Lower Cholesterol

Verified by endocrinologist, American Diabetes Association, and three 2015 health letters, methods from $8.10 book "Essential Guide to Treat Diabetes and to Lower Cholesterol" have lowered my fasting pre-diabetic A1C value to 5.7 and my fasting total cholesterol from 210s to 157 and 160s all by using drug free common natural food. For diabetes, Metformin ER and/or other medication are used in combination with common natural food to lower fasting blood glucose from 170 to 100s/110s. It's a significant and important treatment with good, healthy results for pre-diabetes, diabetes, and cholesterol lowering. With 8 sources to prove that the books' methods are correct, the author is confident readers will benefit much from the book as it has to him.

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