Essential Docker for ASP.NET Core MVC di Adam Freeman edito da APRESS L.P.
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Essential Docker for ASP.NET Core MVC







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Descrizione Essential Docker for ASP.NET Core MVC

Find out how to use Docker in your ASP.NET Core MVC applications, and how containers make it easier to develop, deploy and manage those applications in production environments. Packed with examples and practical demonstrations, this book will help you deploy even large-scale, cross-platform web applications from development into production. Best-selling author Adam Freeman takes you on a whirlwind tour of Docker, from creating a consistent development environment for your team to deploying a project and scaling it up in production. By the end of the book, you will have a solid understanding of what Docker does, how it does it and why it is useful when developing and deploying ASP.NET Core MVC applications. What You Will Learn Gain a solid understanding of Docker: what it is, and why you should be using it for your ASP.NET Core MVC applications Use Docker to create a development platform for ASP.NET Core MVC so that applications behave consistently across development and production Use Docker to test, deploy and manage ASP.NET Core MVC containers Use Docker Swarms to scale up applications to cope with large workloads Who This Book Is For ASP.NET Core MVC developers who want to use Docker to containerize and manage their applications

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