"Escape" di Laurie Read edito da AuthorHouse
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From what could have been a Life Sentence!







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Descrizione "Escape"

Based on a true story of a woman's struggle to escape the horrifying and degrading marriage to a police officer, who not only deceived her from the beginning, but also succeeded in his attempt to fool his family, fellow officers and would go on to "Serve and Protect".......Himself! You will be taken through the author's interview with her friend, that discusses the grueling details of her relationship with a man that she once thought was a dream come true. As her story unfolds, through suppressed tears and quivering voice, you will discover the terrible treatment and mental abuse that she had to endure for many years. As she takes us through the final chapters of her desolving marriage and reveals to us about the corruption and illegal practices that her husband was involved in, it comes as a great relief to know that she is now free from all of that. She is now on the road to recovery and a much happier person!As for what happened to him? Please grab a copy and read on!

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