Equine Fever di J. R. Hutt edito da Austin Macauley Publishers
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Equine Fever





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Descrizione Equine Fever

Many children go through a horse mad phase but for some it becomes a lifelong obsession. Although this often meets with parental and educational opposition it is amazing how enriching the horse world can be. First and foremost it "knocks the spots off you," and if you survive you have to grow up fast. Horses are also a great leveller and no truer saying than "pride goeth before a fall," as they teach you humility. They also teach patience, the power of love and the value of consistency. Horses, like us, are creatures of habit and as with humans the objective is to create good habits. The bad habits, as we all know only too well, are hard to change.Apart from personal fulfilment they open all kind of opportunities, to meet interesting people, to observe and learn from the world's experts, to travel, to enjoy our achievements, to cope with our failures and, above all, to have amazing adventures.

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€ 14.12
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