The Epitome di Vinnie Venturella edito da Authorhouse
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The Epitome

Leadership Lessons Inspired By Jesus







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Descrizione The Epitome

Jesus is the epitome of what leadership is all about. Amongst other things, Jesus defines service, love, empathy, humility, doing the right thing, being THE example, being a person of character, and being people and mission focused. He is the Perfect Model of leadership and one we should all aspire to emulate. I realize no one can measure up to the perfectness of Jesus or do the supernatural things He did but please take these lessons at face value. Through Jesus' day-to-day actions and supernatural behaviors there are terrific leadership gems we can all learn from. I love the study of leadership, have been doing it for almost 34 years, and expect to do it my whole life. Leadership fascinates me and the more I study it the more I validate how critical it is to teams, organizations, our nation, and our church. My life's purpose is to Positively Influence Lives. This is done primarily through leadership. My measure of success with this project is expose readers to God's Word, expose readers to some leadership lessons, and enable readers to build upon their leadership knowledge.

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