Epiphanies, Theories, and Downright Good Thoughts...: ...Made While Being Single. di J. C. L. Faltot edito da iUniverse.com
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Epiphanies, Theories, and Downright Good Thoughts...: ...Made While Being Single.

...Made While Being Single.





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Descrizione Epiphanies, Theories, and Downright Good Thoughts...: ...Made While Being Single.

In this edition of Epiphanies, Theories, and Downright Good Thoughts..., J.C.L. Faltot takes some time away from his video games to tackle another of life's controversial worlds: being single. The sequel to Epiphanies, Theories, and Downright Good Thoughts...made while playing video games, Faltot's newest book explores what life can look like through the eyes of a bachelor. With friends getting married and people going their separate ways, Faltot is awakened to a new world. A place that is filled with new experiences, questionable behaviors, and life lessons one can only learn while maintaining a single life. Faltot's unique blend of sati re and hard truth helps paint a picture of what it means (and could mean) to be single in the 21st century. If there were a survival guide for the single person, then this could be it.

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