Environmental Pollution  By Sugar Industry Waste Water di R. D Joshi edito da Lulu.com
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Environmental Pollution By Sugar Industry Waste Water

A Case Study







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Descrizione Environmental Pollution By Sugar Industry Waste Water

Water is considered as the most widely distributed natural resource on the surface. It is available to us in the form of oceans, rivers, lakes, syringes and streams, called surface, available water. Another important source which is not easily available but important is water occurring under the surface of the earth i.e. Groundwater. It serves as a reservoir due to large pore spaces in earth material, and translates the water over a long distance. During the translate it solublizes number of salts and minerals of the most rocks and regions and gain a tertian taste as well becomes potable. In most of the rural areas bore wells and wells are the seasonally source of potable water supplies. However in many parts of our state the available groundwater is not suitable for drinking as well as other purposes as irrigation etc due to industrialization in urban as well as rural area.

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