Environmental Issues in one of the Greatest Landfills in SE Europe di Ratko Vasiljevic edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Environmental Issues in one of the Greatest Landfills in SE Europe

Environmental issues of the JakuSevec landfill, greatest in Croatia, before, during and after remediation activities





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In 2012 human population exceeded 7 billion, and by the end of this century it will exceed 10 billion, and it should be treated as significant geophysical impact factor. Consequently such population produces a bulk of waste which became a global problem. This book encircle author's experience in environmental monitoring performed during remediation of one of the greatest landfills in Southeastern Europe formed in less than fifty years by population that counts less than million. Remediation technology, air monitoring, waste land filling is presented in the first part of this book. The main topic, presented in the second part, is groundwater protection, since the landfill is placed in influenced area of water supply system. Presented results shows that in spite to great effort, it is hard and expensive to perform a remediation and result is often uncertain. Target groups are engineers who deal with waste management issues and all who wants to find out more about this problem and to stimulate them in interdisciplinary approach often needed in waste management and environmental issues.

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