Environmental Impact Statements di Diori L. Kreske, Kreske edito da John Wiley & Sons
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Environmental Impact Statements

A Practical Guide for Agencies, Citizens, and Consultants





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Descrizione Environmental Impact Statements

Environmental Impact Statements focuses on the roles of the various participants in the EIS review process. Whether you are an EIS author or reviewer, member of a public agency, a private sector consultant, a developer, environmental activist, or private citizen, understanding your own role and the roles of others in the process will increase your effectiveness, reduce duplication of effort, and save time and money. This hands-on guide offers a unique, comprehensive approach to preparing, managing, and reviewing an EIS. It chronicles the preparation process step by step, from kickoff meeting through final submission and, unlike other books, it integrates technical discussions on the regulatory environment and impact analysis into the planning chronology instead of treating them independently. The book's combined emphasis on process and interaction of roles enables participants to adapt each step to their own federal or state EIS projects.

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