Environmental Biotechnology-Recent Perspectives di Navneet Joshi, K. C. Sharma, Manju Sharma edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Environmental Biotechnology-Recent Perspectives





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Descrizione Environmental Biotechnology-Recent Perspectives

Welcome to the Green environment. This book Environmental Biotechnology-Recent Perspectives contains articles by eminent experts on different aspects of the subject. Articles on biofuel, biotechnological approaches in biodegradation, bioremediation and biosorption; industrial applications provide information on the role and application of different techniques in the present scenario. The book also covers various information on newer biotechnological tools and techniques required for sustainable development. Various aspects covering efficient bioremediation methods have been included to project their importance in the 21st century. Review chapters and comprehensive studies on various environmental aspects throw light on the significance of this subject. This book is aimed to develop scientific and research skill along with the basic knowledge in the undergraduate and postgraduate students.

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