Environment and Society "Perspectives across disciplines" edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Environment and Society "Perspectives across disciplines"





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Descrizione Environment and Society "Perspectives across disciplines"

¿Environment¿ simply means ¿surroundings¿ and that is why Einstein defined as ¿Environment is everything that isn¿t me¿. The environment is everything that surrounds us, including the air, the land, the oceans, and all livings things, the relationship between human being and his environment has varied from time to time. Over the course of the last century, the relationship between human beings and the planet on which they live changed fundamentally. Man is nature¿s best promise and worst enemy. There is a close relationship which exists between a healthy environment and economic condition of the community at large. It is a basic right of all to live in a healthy environment. Different society has, time immemorial, been conscious of the necessity of protecting environment and ecology. The main motto of social life has been ¿to live in harmony with nature¿. It was regarded as a sacred duty of everyone to protect them.It is difficult to clearly delineate the causes and consequences of environmental degradation in terms of simple one-to-one relationships. The causes and effects are often interwoven in complex webs of social, technological and environmental factors.

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