Entering the Chain of Union di Timothy Hogan edito da Lulu.com
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Entering the Chain of Union







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Descrizione Entering the Chain of Union

Entering the Chain of Union explores different esoteric, spiritual, and initiatic traditions from around the world and illustrates how they share similar doctrines and rituals. This book is a first hand account by a western initiate as he examines traditions as diverse as Gnosticism, Hermeticism, Sufi, Druze, Taoist and Tibetan alchemical doctrines, Egyptian mysteries, Mayan traditions, and an exploration of many sacred monuments from around the world. It is also a first hand account of his meeting with spiritual leaders of different traditions, including Harun Yahya. This book will be particularly interesting to anyone with a background in Templarism, Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism, or Martinism. Timothy Hogan is the Grand Master of the Knights Templar (Ordre Souverain du Temple Initiatique lineage), and he currently runs CIRCES International. He speaks regularly around the world on the western mystery tradition. This book follows some of his travels as he attempts to do The Great Work.

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