Ensuring Supply Reliability and Grid Stability in a 100% Renewable Electricity Sector in the Faroe Islands di Helma Maria Tróndheim edito da Springer Nature Switzerland
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Ensuring Supply Reliability and Grid Stability in a 100% Renewable Electricity Sector in the Faroe Islands





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Descrizione Ensuring Supply Reliability and Grid Stability in a 100% Renewable Electricity Sector in the Faroe Islands

This book offers a comprehensive study concerning the reliability of renewable electricity production in the Faroe Islands. The first part reports on a RoadMap with investments in generation, storage and transmission capacity. Multiple scenarios, considering different technologies, are analysed. Practical constraints like the local resource potential, power plant locations and sizes are discussed, as well as the potential of tidal power. The second part of the book describes dynamic simulations studies carried out to investigate grid stability of the power system on the isolated island of Suðuroy. The available information about governor and automatic voltage regulators of the synchronous generators was very limited, therefore different approaches were combined to parameterise and validate the dynamic models. All in all, this book offers extensive information concerning the transition of the Faroese power system into a 100% renewable system. It ispractice-oriented, and describes methods that can be applied to other power systems as well.

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