Enough Already! di Zali Nash edito da Balboa Press
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Enough Already!

How to Lose Weight Once and for All and Reclaim Your Life


Balboa Press





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Descrizione Enough Already!

This program is for anyone who has had enough of dieting. It is a journey for those who want to reclaim their health, vitality, faith and happiness in life and in themselves. Better than a double scoop of peanut butter swirl ice cream, these pages show you how you can lose weight, live vibrantly and begin to relish life. Losing weight is not the key to happiness and success. The true secret is reclaiming yourself and celebrating all that you are. Enough Already! seeks to help you lose weight with good whole foods and nurturing exercise, but it also guides you to keep the weight from returning and soothes the soul by addressing the very reasons for shovelling down a double pepperoni pizza to begin with. It then helps you take the steps to begin living as you are meant to right now-not when you get to size six or eight. What are you waiting for?

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