Enhancement of complexation of drug: binary and ternary mixtures di Lokesh Kumar Bhati, Meena Bhati, Gaurav Tiwari edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Enhancement of complexation of drug: binary and ternary mixtures

Binary And Ternary Mixtures





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Descrizione Enhancement of complexation of drug: binary and ternary mixtures

The study demonstrated the possibility of significantly improving the dissolution performance of MX by simultaneous complexation with cyclodextrin. The importance of proper selection of the most suitable counter ion to adequately improve the cyclodextrin - complexation efficiency has been pointed out. PVP showed a synergistic effect when used in combination with HP¿-CD. Phase solubility experiments demonstrated that the ternary system with PVP (pH 5.8) exhibited a stability constant 12.9 times greater than the binary complex. The drug solubility in the presence of 50mM HP¿-CD was about 6.23 times higher than that in the binary system. Results confirmed that the strong increase in the drug solubility shown by HP¿-CD ternary system with PVP. Solid state demonstrated that freeze drying technique was suitable for obtaining solid homogeneous equimolar MX-HP¿-CD-PVP complexes. These systems could be useful for formulating fast-dissolving drug solid dosage form able to assure rapid onset of analgesic action and improved bioavailability.

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