English-Spanish Translation, Through a Cross-Cultural Interpretation Approach di Francisco Castro-Paniagua edito da University Press of America
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English-Spanish Translation, Through a Cross-Cultural Interpretation Approach





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Descrizione English-Spanish Translation, Through a Cross-Cultural Interpretation Approach

As translation involves more than mere mechanics but as a discipline tied to cultural understanding, translators must focus on the dissimilarities and incongruities between the source and target societies, as well as their languages. Francisco Castro-Paniagua has written a book that will enable those involved in this process to begin to understand the differences between the Anglo-Saxon and Hispanic cultures in a more cohesive manner. Drawing from LZvi-Strauss, Paz, Hymes, among others, the author focuses first on a general theory of the two cultures, and then discusses their most basic traits. The work concludes by analyzing the published translations of two works.

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