English and Students with Limited or Interrupted Formal Education edito da Springer International Publishing
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English and Students with Limited or Interrupted Formal Education

Global Perspectives on Teacher Preparation and Classroom Practices





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Descrizione English and Students with Limited or Interrupted Formal Education

This book examines students with limited or interrupted education (SLIFE) in the context of English learners and teacher preparation courses from a cultural and social lens. The book is divided into five parts. Part I frames the conversation and contributions in this edited volume; Part II provides an overview of SLIFE, Part III focuses on teacher preparation programs, Part IV discusses the challenges faced by SLIFE in K-12 learning environments and Part V examines SLIFE in adult learning environments. This book is unique in that it offers practical instructional tools to educators, thus helping to bridge theory and practice. Moreover, it retains a special focus on K-12 and adult SLIFE and has an inclusive and international perspective, which includes a novel theoretical framework to support the mental, emotional, and instructional needs of LGBTQ+ refugee students. The book is of interest to teacher educators, in-service and pre-service teachers, Englishliteracy educators, graduate students, tutors, facilitators, instructors, and administrators working in organizations serving SLIFE in K-12 and adult learning environments.

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