Engaging Young Students in Mathematics Through Competitions - World Perspectives and Practices: Volume I - Competition-R edito da WORLD SCIENTIFIC PUB CO INC
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Engaging Young Students in Mathematics Through Competitions - World Perspectives and Practices: Volume I - Competition-R

Volume I - Competition-ready Mathematics; Entertaining and Informative Problems from the WFNMC8 Congress in Semriach/Austria 2018





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The two volumes of Engaging Young Students in Mathematics through Competitions present a wide scope of aspects relating to mathematics competitions and their meaning in the world of mathematical research, teaching and entertainment. Volume I contains a wide variety of fascinating mathematical problems of the type often presented at mathematics competitions as well as papers by an international group of authors involved in problem development, in which we can get a sense of how such problems are created in various specialized areas of competition mathematics as well as recreational mathematics. It will be of special interest to anyone interested in solving original mathematics problems themselves for enjoyment to improve their skills. It will also be of special interest to anyone involved in the area of problem development for competitions, or just for recreational purposes. The various chapters were written by the participants of the 8th Congress of the World Federation of National Mathematics Competitions in Austria in 2018.

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