Energy Security for India: Some Perspectives di Lakshman Prasad edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Energy Security for India: Some Perspectives

A deliberation on Indian Energy Mix





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The book pieces together an Indian scenario on the various frontiers of energy segments like coal, lignite, oil, natural gas, hydro, wind, solar, nuclear etc. together with some less exploited and unexploited sources like bio-mass, bio-fuel, geo-thermal sources, underground coal gasification, coal bed methane etc. It also dwells upon industry specific energy conservation measures which, when adopted in full swing, will supplement the country¿s energy security. While analyzing the energy spectrum of India, the book asserts tapping renewable, non-depleting and non-polluting sources of energy at a fast pace to dilute the carbon intensity of the energy mix, which should be seen in response to the country¿s sensitivity to climate change.

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