End Time di Betty Lou Piluso edito da Christian Faith Publishing, Inc
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End Time

Bee Poems





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Descrizione End Time

This book titled End Time Bee Poems was written first from the inspiration of my Lord Jesus Christ, who kept the theme of bees through my life and also with the inspiring help of close "fellow worker bee" friends. They have added memorable quotes, visions, and enlightenment with shared stories and experiences. Besides being called "Bee" as a nickname most of my life, it also adapted to "Auntie Bee" and then "Grambee" and also, at times, "Queen Bee." This is how the poems came to be known as "Bee Poems," which became like my own signature for each poem. I learned a few things about bees and how they work together side by side with a dedication to the hive and the queen bee. Not taking glory in their own works but bringing about the glory of the hive. I found there were many things about the life of bees that paralleled with my spiritual walk. The Lord did not direct me to do much research in regard to bees, but He taught me just what I needed to know that would be relevant to what the poems would be about. I learned that worker bees actually worked while in rest. The subject of entering God's rest is mentioned in many a poem. It was imperative that this message was communicated as the main difference between the Old Covenant and the New Covenant. I was inspired also to add to the title "end time." An urgency of how these times we live in with prophecies of end time happenings coming to pass became the fuel behind getting the poems written. The first poem in the book, "The Bees," was actually one of the last poems written now used as a kind of an introduction of the poems that would follow.

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