The End of Pseudo-Science di Mohammed Abubakr edito da iUniverse
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The End of Pseudo-Science

Essays Refuting False Scientific Theories Taught In Schools, Colleges, And Universities







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Descrizione The End of Pseudo-Science

The End of Pseudo-Science: Essays Refuting False Scientific Theories Taught in Schools, Colleges, and Universities from author and former educator Mohammed Abu-Bakr destroys accepted claims about the universe, matter, energy, and light made by Joseph Thomson, Albert Einstein, and other theoretical physicists. Much of what is taught in today's science classes is not real at all-it's pseudo-science. It does not correspond to reality and violates the laws of nature. If you learned any of the following, you have been taught pseudo-science: The universe was created some ten to twenty billion years ago by a gigantic explosion called the Big Bang Space curves Atoms can be split Time is relative and can bend Matter can be changed into energy and vice versa Light is composed of particles with no mass, called photons Gravity exists in the space between objects The End of Pseudo-Science replaces this unrealistic science with science based on reality, refutes all of the energy theories of matter, and introduces the scientific community and general public to Atomism: a theory in natural philosophy of reality and causality.

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