Encyclopedia of Thermal Packaging, Set 2: Thermal Packaging Tools - Volume 4: Thermally-Informed Design of Microelectronic Components di Sachin Sapatnekar, Ankur Srivastava, Yufu Zhang edito da WORLD SCIENTIFIC PUB CO INC
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Encyclopedia of Thermal Packaging, Set 2: Thermal Packaging Tools - Volume 4: Thermally-Informed Design of Microelectronic Components

Set 2: Thermal Packaging Tools - Volume 4: Thermally-Informed Design of Microelectronic Components





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Descrizione Encyclopedia of Thermal Packaging, Set 2: Thermal Packaging Tools - Volume 4: Thermally-Informed Design of Microelectronic Components

The second set in the encyclopedia, Thermal Packaging Tools, includes volumes dedicated to thermal design of data centers, techniques and models for the design and optimization of heat sinks, the development and use of reduced-order "compact" thermal models of electronic components, a database of critical material thermal properties, and a compr...

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