Encyclopaedia of Mathematics edito da Springer Netherlands
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Encyclopaedia of Mathematics

Volume 10





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The Indispensable Source of Information for all those who use Mathematics in Their Work... This is undoubtedly the most comprehensive, up-to-date and authoritative mathematics encyclopaedia available today. Translated from the Russian, edited, annotated and updated by about 200 Western mathematicians, all specialists in their respective fields, the 10-volume Encyclopaedia of Mathematics contains nearly 7000 articles together with a wealth of complementary information. Explanations of differences in terminology are of historical interest and help to bridge the gap between Western and Soviet approaches to mathematics. The Encyclopaedia of Mathematics will help you: find the precise definition of a given concept loop up and verify terminology find the precise statement of a theorem reach the information you need via AMS classification number and/or keywords/phrases check the precise names of concepts and theorems find reference literature for a given field find out about applications of a concept and its links with other concepts

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