En-Lovely di Seko Ong edito da Balboa Press
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Victory Over Weaknesses


Balboa Press





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Descrizione En-Lovely

En-Lovely: Victory over Weaknesses presents a portrait of the workings of a beautiful mind. Suffering becomes meaningful when we are able to respond to it with love and compassion. We can never be reduced to nothing when we do not lose the freedom to choose beauty in any circumstance. Joy is found in a beautiful mind that chooses to extract value from each incident; it is found abundantly in simple things. When we choose to cause love to be one with all things, love becomes our experience. En-Lovely is a collection of articles seeking to inspire you to view life through a lens of pure love. Inspired by stories of the excellence of the human spirit and humbled by their resilience, Seko Ong shares how, by simply shifting our mind-sets, we can reveal the four virtues of the Buddha-true self, happiness, purity, and eternity. Every essay is an expression of victory over weaknesses, written through the lens of gratitude. En-Lovely takes you on a journey to train your mind to tell all stories from the bright side. En-Lovely is to be one with love, where love is you and you are love. When you are love, everything that flows through you becomes lovely.

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