Ems di Dave Molloy edito da Lulu.com
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It's Not What You Think!







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Descrizione Ems

Whether you're considering a career in Emergency Medical Services, wonder what it's like to be an EMT or paramedic, or want to know what it takes to be a first responder, this book is for you. Dave Molloy draws on his decades of experience in the field to share an insider's view of what it takes to excel in the field. He emphasizes that if you want to get into the EMS industry for any other reason than trying to make a difference at a critical moment, you are speeding in the wrong direction. He also shares exciting stories from his career, such as the time he found himself in an ambulance with his partner, Danny, during an active shooting. He made some mistakes, such as turning on his siren (making them a target), and he learned to always be aware of your surroundings to keep yourself safe. From being at a person's side during his last breath, to watching a parent cry for him to save her child, to being there when a baby is born into this world, to even seeing a husband give his life for his wife, Molloy has been there-and seen that EMS is not what everyone thinks.

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