The Empty Nest Chronicles: How to Have Fun (and Stop Annoying Your Spouse) After the Kids Move Out di Jerry Zezima edito da AUTHORHOUSE
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The Empty Nest Chronicles: How to Have Fun (and Stop Annoying Your Spouse) After the Kids Move Out

How to Have Fun (and Stop Annoying Your Spouse) After the Kids Move Out







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Descrizione The Empty Nest Chronicles: How to Have Fun (and Stop Annoying Your Spouse) After the Kids Move Out

Humorist Jerry Zezima has always had an empty head. Now that his two daughters have flown the coop, he and his wife have an empty nest. The girls aren't completely out of the house, of course, because a lot of their stuff is still there. Written with warmth and hilarity, "The Empty Nest Chronicles" is sure to appeal to parents who miss their kids but now have a chance to rediscover each other, to recall what life was like BC (Before Children), and to ask the eternal empty-nester question: Are we having fun yet? Praise for "The Empty Nest Chronicles" " 'The Empty Nest Chronicles' is brimming with laughs." - Bill Geist, "CBS News Sunday Morning" correspondent "Reading 'The Empty Nest Chronicles' is like having a hilarious conversation with the nicest guy you'll ever meet. Self-deprecating, gentle, and really funny." - W. Bruce Cameron, New York Times bestselling author of "8 Simple Rules for Dating My Teenage Daughter," "A Dog's Purpose," and "A Dog's Journey"

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