The Empty Chalice di Joyce Surman edito da iUniverse
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The Empty Chalice







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Descrizione The Empty Chalice

Drinking to the very dregs the chalice given it, here is the remarkable and inspirational story of a soul that has found, unexpectedly, a heavenly sweetness in its bitterness. After reading this book, the reader is left to ponder the question: "Can I, too, 'drink the chalice offered me' and find in it, not bitterness, but the sweetness of God's Will? This account of a soul's ascent from the shadows of Gethsemane to the light of Tabor is, therefore, a shining beacon for our age pointing the way that we should go if we are to find that for which every human heart yearns: true peace and perfect joy. If you are a person in search of true peace and perfect joy, especially if the fragile ship of your soul is being tossed amidst the tempestuous seas of sorrow and suffering, you will find here an anchor to which to moor your soul in the radical reversal of the transforming union as described in this book.

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