Empower The Injured di Jonathan D Roven edito da Lulu.com
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Empower The Injured

A How-to Guide For Handling Your Own Personal Injury Claim







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Descrizione Empower The Injured

If you suffered relatively minor injuries in an accident in the State of California, you can handle your personal injury claim without having to share a meaningful settlement with an attorney. Jonathan D. Roven, an experienced personal injury litigator with a successful practice, wrote this guide for people with smaller claims. He walks you through: ¿ steps to take after the first one hundred hours of an accident; ¿ reasons why you should never admit to wrongdoing; ¿ putting a settlement demand together; ¿ negotiating a settlement. Roven also highlights the importance of seeking medical treatment, getting a police report, and finalizing the settlement. Additional topics include when to communicate with the other side's insurance company, showing proof of lost wages and earning capacity, mediation, and limited aspects of litigation. Get an insider's take on how to handle a personal injury claim from start to finish with this practical guide that aims to Empower the Injured.

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