Employment Law 2e di Wolkinson edito da John Wiley & Sons
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Employment Law 2e

The Workplace Rights Of Employees And Employers





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Descrizione Employment Law 2e

Employment Law familiarizes the reader with the basics of employment law. It is oriented towards both students taking a course in employment law and human resource professionals whose personnel decisions have immediate legal ramifications. This book examines the relevant statutes, judicial decisions, executive orders, and administrative policies that shape the respective rights of managers and workers at the workplace. It goes well beyond simply stating what is legal and what is illegal, but also provides the student and the professional with the basis for evaluating the legal consequences and efficacy of a firm's human resource policies. The second edition of this book has been updated throughout, and now includes recent legal doctrine as well as a focus on new developments, such as the EEOC's program for the mediation of EEO disputes. Also added are cases illustrating the continued application of disparate treatment and disparate impact analysis. Chapters on gender and leave issues in employment, age, religious, and national origin discrimination, affirmative action, employment of the handicapped, privacy, employment at will, and drug testing and the law, have also been significantly revised to examine the continued evolution of public policy in these areas over the current decade.

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