Emerging Trends and Impacts of the Internet of Things in Libraries di BARBARA HOLLAND edito da Information Science Reference
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Emerging Trends and Impacts of the Internet of Things in Libraries





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Descrizione Emerging Trends and Impacts of the Internet of Things in Libraries

Over the years, new IT approaches have manifested, including digital transformation, cloud computing, and the internet of things (IoT). They have had a profound impact on the population, including libraries. Many organizations can save on their IT budget by adopting these new approaches because they provide technology in easier ways, often at lower costs and to the benefit of users. Emerging Trends and Impacts of the Internet of Things in Libraries is a critical research publication that explores advancing technologies, specifically the internet of things, and their applications within library settings. Moreover, the book will provide insights and explore case studies on smart libraries. Featuring a wide range of topics such as smart technology, automation, and robotics, this book is ideal for librarians, professionals, academicians, computer scientists, researchers, and students working in the fields of library science, information and communication sciences, and information technology.

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