Embroidered Botanicals di Yumiko Higuchi edito da Shambhala Publications Inc
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Embroidered Botanicals

Beautiful Motifs That Explore Stitching with Wool, Cotton, and Metalic Threads





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Descrizione Embroidered Botanicals

Stitch simple and striking embroidery designs with wool, cotton, pearl cotton, and metallic threads.Japanese artist Yumiko Higuchi is celebrated for her embroidery designs with a Scandinavian flair. The motifs and patterns she offers here are true to her trademark zakka style: simple and graphic yet softened with organic shapes and imagery drawn from nature. The result is embroidery that feels modern and nostalgic all at once. In Embroidered Botanicals, Higuchi offers 39 embroidery projects highlighting the distinctive quality of different threads. With motifs created specifically for different types of thread-wool, cotton, pearl cotton, and metallic-makers will become better versed in the materials available to them. With beautiful photographs, clear step-by-step instructions, and detailed diagrams, this book will be an inspiring guide for those new to embroidery and a fresh and unique offering for those experienced with needle and thread.

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€ 21.22
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