Elliptic Boundary Value Problems of Second Order in Piecewise Smooth Domains di Michail Borsuk, Vladimir Kondratiev edito da ELSEVIER
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Elliptic Boundary Value Problems of Second Order in Piecewise Smooth Domains







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Descrizione Elliptic Boundary Value Problems of Second Order in Piecewise Smooth Domains

The book contains a systematic treatment of the qualitative theory of elliptic boundary value problems for linear and quasilinear second order equations in non-smooth domains. The authors concentrate on the following fundamental results: sharp estimates for strong and weak solutions, solvability of the boundary value problems, regularity assertions for solutions near singular points. Key features: * New the Hardy Friedrichs Wirtinger type inequalities as well as new integral inequalities related to the Cauchy problem for a differential equation. * Precise exponents of the solution decreasing rate near boundary singular points and best possible conditions for this. * The question about the influence of the coefficients smoothness on the regularity of solutions. * New existence theorems for the Dirichlet problem for linear and quasilinear equations in domains with conical points. * The precise power modulus of continuity at singular boundary point for solutions of the Dirichlet, mixed and the Robin problems. * The behaviour of weak solutions near conical point for the Dirichlet problem for m Laplacian. * The behaviour of weak solutions near a boundary edge for the Dirichlet and mixed problem for elliptic quasilinear equations with triple degeneration. * Precise exponents of the solution decreasing rate near boundary singular points and best possible conditions for this. * The question about the influence of the coefficients smoothness on the regularity of solutions. * New existence theorems for the Dirichlet problem for linear and quasilinear equations in domains with conical points. * The precise power modulus of continuity atsingular boundary point for solutions of the Dirichlet, mixed and the Robin problems. * The behaviour of weak solutions near conical point for the Dirichlet problem for m Laplacian. * The behaviour of weak solutions near a boundary edge for the Dirichlet and mixed problem

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