Elizabeth City County, Virginia, Deeds, Wills, Court Orders, 1715-1721 di Rosemary C. Neal edito da Heritage Books
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Elizabeth City County, Virginia, Deeds, Wills, Court Orders, 1715-1721





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Descrizione Elizabeth City County, Virginia, Deeds, Wills, Court Orders, 1715-1721

Elizabeth City County was first settled by Englishmen in 1610. The town of Hampton was set off in 1680 and quickly became an important trading center. In recent times Elizabeth City County ceased to exist after it was incorporated into the modern city of Hampton. Unfortunately, many of the early records of Elizabeth City County have been lost. All the extant court records prior to 1702 have been abstracted by Mrs. Neal in a previous volume, Elizabeth City County, Virginia: Deeds, Wills, Court Orders, Etc., 1688-1702 (Heritage Books, 1986). The records from 1702 to 1715 are missing. The present volume contains all the extant court records for the period 1715-1721. The extant record book for this period, as restored in 1937, consists of two parts: the first part contains primarily deeds, wills, and miscellaneous items, while the second part consists of court orders. Abstracts of all the documents in both parts of the record book are included in the present compilation which is a goldmine of genealogical data. There is a concise historical introduction and a complete index to names of people and locations.

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