Elixirs Shadow di Chloelia Salome edito da Lulu.com
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Elixirs Shadow







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Descrizione Elixirs Shadow

Colette was back in Paris. She should be happy to be home, but that joyful feeling wasn't there. She tried to force herself to love this place again, but Paris had turned her life completely upside down. This was the city that brought her Hunter. This was also the city that prepared her for the biggest journey of her life. This was no city of lights for a young girl who only wanted to find her way as an average teenager. Now, this was the city of darkness, a city that tore Colette and her loved ones apart and pieced them back together into dangerous individuals. The final installment of the Sword of Hadrian trilogy will bring the reader through the streets of France during the French Revolution, the medieval kingdom of Carserae, and modern-day Paris. Through heartbreak, time traveling and moments of magic, this epic conclusion will leave the reader on the edge of excitement, grasping for the adventure not to end and wanting the characters of the war-torn kingdom of Carserae to remain a part of their life.

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