Eliminate Back Pain Forever di Michael Newman edito da New Generation Publishing
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Eliminate Back Pain Forever





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Descrizione Eliminate Back Pain Forever

Walking the circle with intention while applying The Nine Principles of the Manzou Method and holding specific postures is the best way to eliminate back pain and strengthen the back. Each of these postures opens, unblocks and energizes a specific acupuncture meridian or group of meridians within the body. The exercises will rebalance the musclo-skeletal system, eliminate pain, prevent illness, calm the nervous system and improve overall health. Michael Newman has been working as an injury and rehabilitation specialist for the last 30 years. He has been commissioned to work in Europe, America and the Far East and has experience of working with professional footballers, dancers, golfers and athletes. Michael also specialises in working with Stroke Patients, MS, Parkinson's Disease, Special Needs and Paralysis. Michael is the CEO of Rehabilitation in Action and has developed his own training programme which he calls " The Manzou Method".

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