The Elevator di Allen Brown edito da Page Publishing, Inc.
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The Elevator





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Descrizione The Elevator

Do you want to know what modern Hell is like? Would you like to know where your friends will be in Hell? Would you like to know where you would be in Hell now? Would you like to know how you can avoid going there? Then this book, The Elevator, is for you! This book defines modern Hell. This novel is about a high school boy, Jason, winning a writing contest about the evils in modern life. With a guide, Joan, he is awarded a trip on the Elevator to descend into the bowels of the earth and view first-hand the workings of Hell. This novel modernizes Dante's view of Hell as presented in his medieval classic Inferno. This new work expands Dante's nine circles to be fifteen Levels of Hell and includes the fundamental evils of mankind as well as the evils of modern society. This book is not for light, feel-good, vacation, pleasure reading. This is a reference book. This book should be used - by clergy of all Faiths - by counselors - by parents - by young people - by old people as a guide to help themselves and others, especially children, avoid wrongful deeds in modern life.

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