Elements of Agricultural Chemistry - In a Course of Lectures di Humphry Davy, Sir Humphry Davy edito da Barzun Press
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Elements of Agricultural Chemistry - In a Course of Lectures


Barzun Press





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Descrizione Elements of Agricultural Chemistry - In a Course of Lectures

This early work comprises a comprehensive treatise on agricultural chemicals, published at the request of the president and members of the board of agriculture. It consists of eight detailed lectures. A book that will be of much value to the agriculturalist and serious farmer, this text makes for a worthy addition to collections of farming literature and is not to be missed by those with an interest in the scientific side of agriculture. The sections of this text include: 'General Views of the Objects of the Course'; 'Of the General Powers of Matter which Influence Vegetation'; 'On the Organization of Plants'; 'On Soils'; 'On the Nature and Constitution of the Atmosphere'; etcetera. This antique book was originally published in 1821, and we are proud to republish it now complete with a new introduction on farming.

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