Element of Surprise di Derek Hart edito da iUniverse
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Element of Surprise







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Descrizione Element of Surprise

Canadian Travis Kelland was 20 years old when Germany invaded Poland to start World War II. Travis was also the only son and heir to Sir Charles Kelland, a wealthy and powerful businessman whose vast holdings stretched across many provinces of Canada. Sir Charles was grooming young Travis to eventually take the reins of the Kelland empire. However, Travis had other plans. He enlisted in the Royal Canadian Navy and set forth on a grand adventure to fight the Nazis. Of course, Travis was in for a rude awakening. He joined the MTB's (Motor Torpedo Boats) squadrons fighting in the Channel and the North Sea and was immediately faced with death and destruction, winning the DSO from the King himself. Yet Travis was a survivor too. After proving himself in combat, he is transferred to the Mediterranean and took command of his own MTB based out of Alexandria, Egypt. In this theatre of operations, his crew fight Germans and Italians, constantly faced with overwhelming odds and the constant threat of Rommel. These are the adventures of MTB 545, from 1940-1945, spanning the desperate years to the days just prior to the D-Day invasion.

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