Electronic Cities & Web-Based Urbanization Integrated Systems di Maryam Kamrani edito da iUniverse
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Electronic Cities & Web-Based Urbanization Integrated Systems

Develop & Create A Master Plan, Implement & Build A Sample







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Descrizione Electronic Cities & Web-Based Urbanization Integrated Systems

In the Industrial Age, citizens thrived by buying private property and engaging in commerce. In today's Information Age, people need access to city public services in order to ensure their welfare. In Electronic cities & Web-based urbanization integrated systems, Maryam Kamrani and Amir Alikhanzadeh, experts in their respective fields, lay out a plan for cities to build an informational infrastructure that is essential for every individual's well-being. The authors argue that building e-cities based on broad strategies and master plans is necessary so that everyone will have equal access to public services. Moreover, designing such cities would enable areas to move quickly into a fully networked environment that would improve public services. Creating such e-cities, however, is no easy task. This kind of development requires master plans and broad strategies. Web sites must be created to provide online services through a city portal, paperless municipal services must become the norm, and all kinds of new management infrastructure must be designed and carefully set in place. Kamrani and Alikhanzadeh envision a new future and lay out the necessary steps municipal governments must take in order to serve their residents and change with the times.

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